
In this section, I would like to document some of my own technology-related projects, covering applied mathematics, computing, computational physics. The source code can be found in my gitHub repository. If you have any questions or fancy a coffee chat, please hit me up!

A Review of the Blockchain/Bitcoin white paper

How computer works

Stochastic Calculus -- Ito Integral

Ito integral is the stochastic calculus version of integration of ordinary calculus

Stochastic Calculus -- Brownian motion and Diffusion Process

Ghost Fluid Method and results -- Ghost Fluid Serie 4 (END)

Ghost FLuid Method is a common sharp interface technique that is used to model material interfaction.

Sharp Interface method and levelset function -Ghost Fluid Method Serie 3

Sharp interface method as one methods used in multi material simulation has the advantage of maintaining a sharp interface and swiftness in tracking the movement of the interface

Second Order Total Variation Diminishing scheme: MUSCL-Hancock with Superbee slope limiter -Ghost Fluid Method Serie 2

This article depicts a high resolution methods that also ensureS TVD nature of the scheme

HLLC Solver for Riemann problems for Fluid Dynamics -Ghost Fluid Method Serie 1

HLLC Solver uses Godunov flux to resolve shock wave emerged from hyperbolic PDEs. This finiste volume method ensure the conservative nature.

What is Seismology?